We are Proud of
Our Plant Collections

Rose Garden
The rose garden at Clark is the only formal garden within this Town of North Hempstead. Over 100 roses of various classes: hybrid teas, grandifloras, floribundas, miniatures, chinas, shrubs and climbing, roses fill the space.
Framed by Pink Double Knockouts in the front and Blushing Knockouts in the back, the four large beds are filled with roses chosen for their resistance to black spot and their low maintenance.
Two of the beds are planted with roses tested for their sustainability including varieties from the EarthKind Trials, Easy Teas and ADR winners.
A bed is dedicated to AARS roses with good to excellent disease resistance and the last bed contains roses that are reliably blackspot tolerant/resistant in our zone.

Rain Garden
Located on the south side of the main building of the Garden, it is designed to manage rainfall and storm water runoff in its design and plant selection.
The rain garden absorbs an extreme amount of moisture and high concentration of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, which are found in stormwater runoff. It contains native, drought-resistant and deluge-tolerant shrubs and perennials and the location was selected in order to accommodate water from the gutter system of the building, as well as other stormwater that drains there from adjacent uphill areas.

Native Plants
Native plants are beneficial to the environment and can be found in the Pollinator and Rain Gardens at Clark. Over time they adapt to the pressures of the areas in which they grow and often serve an essential role like providing nectar for pollinators or helping alleviate flood water during heavy rains.
To learn more about the role of native plants at Clark, visit the Pollinator and Rain Gardens.
To learn more about native plants found in Town of North Hempstead local parks, including Clark Botanic Garden, visit the Town's web page.
All-American Selections Display Garden
An AAS Annual Display Garden provides the public an opportunity to view the newest AAS Annual winners in an attractive well-maintained setting.
The Display Garden also provides educational signage about the AAS Annual plants. There is a network of nearly 200 dedicated display gardens across the US typically at arboreta, botanic gardens, or university gardens.
Come visit the AAS Annuals at Clark Botanic Garden and get ideas for your own garden. They are located at the main entrance along the walk and throughout the Garden.